All You Need to Know about Fatty Liver Disease

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All You Need to Know about Fatty Liver Disease

What is Fatty Liver? Fatty Liver is a term that refers to a kind of liver that is fatty. The liver is a key organ in our bodies that regulates a variety of processes. The liver can be harmed by a variety of disorders and medications. We will study about fatty liver, also known as hepatic steatosis, in this article. Dr. Ram Chandra Soni, the best Liver Doctor in Faridabad explains what causes fatty liver, what are the indications and symptoms, and what are the treatment options?

What exactly is a fatty liver?
Hepatocytes are the main functional units of the liver, and they are made up of cells called hepatocytes. A little quantity of fat is usually present in these cells. A fatty liver is defined as a condition in which more than 5% of the hepatocytes are loaded with fat.

Although the fatty liver stage is reversible, if it is not treated, the fatty deposits become fibrous deposits, which destroy the hepatocytes and render them non-functional. It is impossible to undo. Hepatic failure occurs when a major portion of the liver becomes fibrous.

Causes of Fatty Liver
Excessive alcohol consumption is the most prevalent cause of fatty liver. Though our liver is capable of regeneration and only a little amount of alcohol is permitted, it begins to kill liver cells when a person consumes excessive amounts of alcohol. It produces liver damage indications and symptoms. Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is the name given to this condition (AFLD).

A fatty liver can be caused by a variety of factors other than drinking. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is the name given to these conditions (NFLD). Some of the causes of NFLD are listed below.

  • Obesity: Obesity causes an inflammatory response in the body, which promotes the development of a fatty liver. Obesity-related NFLD is becoming more common as the obesity epidemic spreads.
  • Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels in the body, both of which are associated with type 2 diabetes, have been linked to fatty liver.
  • Hypertriglyceridemia (excess fat in the blood): Excess fats in your blood, such as bad cholesterol, can be accumulated in your hepatocytes, resulting in fatty liver and liver failure.
  • Hepatitis and other infections: Many bacteria, such as the Hepatitis B and C viruses, can infect the liver cells, causing them to become more prone to fibrosis.
  • Diabetes Mellitus, often known as high blood sugar: High blood sugar levels cause the body’s insulin levels to rise, which can lead to fat deposition in the liver.
  • Certain hepatotoxic drugs: Some drugs are hepatotoxic, meaning they harm the liver cells. Methotrexate, amiodarone, valproic acid, diltiazem, and others are examples.

Signs and symptoms of Fatty Liver

Though the liver is capable of self-repair, if the damage is excessive, the hepatocytes generate scar tissue, which is referred to as hepatic fibrosis. At this point, the patients begin to suffer a variety of symptoms, some of which are described below.

  • Abdomen discomfort on the right side.
  • On the right side of the abdomen, there is a sense of fullness.
  • Appetite loss or weight loss.
  • Nausea.
  • Skin or eye yellowness (jaundice).
  • Inflammation of the feet (edema).
  • A bloated abdomen that develops as a result of fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity (ascites).
  • Weakness.
  • Tiredness and mental confusion (hepatic encephalopathy).
  • Itchy skin that won’t go away (pruritus).

If you see any of these signs and symptoms, see the best Liver Doctor in Faridabad immediately. In the case of fatty liver disease, prompt and correct treatment can save your life.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Fatty Liver

Your doctor will obtain a complete medical history and do a clinical examination on you. A few blood tests, such as the LFT (Liver Function Test), CBC (Complete Blood Count), lipid profile, blood sugar level, and others, will be performed for you to determine the definitive diagnosis.

You could also have a few imaging tests, such as an ultrasound, to examine if your liver is swollen or has grown in size (hepatomegaly) or not.

As previously said, fatty liver therapy in Faridabad is reversible and curable.

Though removing the cause is the first stage in treatment, if you drink, you must stop before the treatment will assist you. The initial measures in treatment for NFLD are to lose weight and manage diabetes and insulin resistance.

In Faridabad, there is no particular drug for fatty liver treatment; nevertheless, the treatment will be determined by the reason.

You will be given drugs to reduce your blood sugar if you have diabetes or insulin resistance; other medicines, such as albumin, will treat symptoms such as edema and ascites.

Antiviral medicines are used to treat infections caused by viruses. It will aid in the treatment of the disease’s indications and symptoms.

Because alcohol can induce a deficit of these vitamins, which are important for the human body’s regular functioning, you will also be given vitamin supplements such as thiamine.

In a nutshell, this is the fatty liver treatment in Faridabad. One will tailor a treatment plan for you based on your specific ailment. Avoid taking any medication without consulting the best Liver Doctor in Faridabad, since these medications have several adverse effects, and the condition may deteriorate if not managed.

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