Best gastroenterologist in Faridabad explains the causes of colon polyps

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Best gastroenterologist in Faridabad explains the causes of colon polyps

Colon polyps or colorectal polyps are generally found in people over 50, or in smokers and overweight people. Learn everything you need to know about colon polyps from the best Gastroenterologist in Faridabad

What Are Colon Polyps? 

A colonic polyp is a lump of cells that develops in the lining of the colon and varies in size over time. Polyps are mostly found in the large bowel and can cause pain throughout the digestive system. If not dealt with in time, a colon polyp can be fatal.

Causes and Types

In the colon and rectum area, healthy cells grow normally, which are then altered due to genetic mutations. Mutations cause new cells to grow continuously even if they are not needed. Unregulated cell growth can lead to polyps. They can appear anywhere in the large intestine.

There are several types of colon polyps.

In addition to neoplastic polyps, there are non-neoplastic polyps. 

  1. Most of the time, non-neoplastic polyps do not develop into cancer. Additionally, there are hyperplastic polyps, hamartomatous polyps, and inflammatory polyps. 
  2. Polyps associated with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis can also be found. However, they do not pose a significant threat. The combination of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, however, can be concerning because they can help to promote colon polyps, which can increase your chances of developing cancer.

There are two types of Neoplastic polyps: serrated and adenomas. In most people, colon polyps are of the adenomas type. Serrated ones, however, are more likely to be cancerous. Depending on the situation, factors like the size and location of the polyps in the colon also play a significant role. Polyps that are larger have a greater chance of being cancerous, especially neoplastic polyps.


The symptoms of colon polyps are not actually felt or seen by those with them. Your doctor examines your bowel and finds out the actual image. 

With colon polyps, however, people might experience some symptoms below.

  • Polyps that are large enough to interfere with bowel movements and cause abdominal pain can cause great pain.
  • There are many reasons and conditions that can alter bowel habits. However, constipation or diarrhea that lasts longer than a week could indicate the presence of a large colon polyp.
  • Bleeding in the rectal area can be a sign of colon polyps or even haemorrhoids. A quick diagnosis is necessary to determine if the symptoms persist.
  • Anaemia – Polyps bleeding causes several health issues, including an iron deficiency since it removes iron from our bodies. The person becomes fatigued and unable to breathe.


It is always better to prevent any disease from happening in the first place. “A stitch in time saves nine.” Prevention is better than cure. 

Colon polyps can be treated more effectively if you follow these preventative measures. 

  • Stop smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption.
  • Exercise regularly in a way that suits your body and is consistent with the routine you follow. We should combine aerobic and muscle-strengthening sessions.
  • Fruits and vegetables provide you with the necessary nutrients through a healthy diet.
  • Limit your intake of spicy and fatty foods.
  • Take aspirin as little as possible. While it might have some side effects, you should discuss it with your doctor.


Treatment of colon polyps begins with an initial screening process, and few methods follow after that. Detection of polyps, which can be cancerous and fatal, is possible through screenings. Getting it done as soon as possible increases the chance of a full recovery.

Colonoscopy – A colonoscopy is a test that examines the colon and rectum for changes or abnormalities. From the rectum, a long flexible tube is inserted into the colon. It has a tiny camera that allows the doctor to view the tissues inside the colon.

When polyps are found, they may be removed or just a sample of the tissue may be taken for further analysis. Before and after colonoscopy, colon polyps medication is given. This diagnosis and treatment frequency depends on how many polyps have developed or are developing in the colon. During the examination, the doctor will remove all polyps, and the most common method is polypectomy. A liquid is used to separate and lift the polyp from the specific area when the polyp is larger than 0.4 inches. 

Adenomatous polyps or serrated polyps are more likely to become cancerous, so doctors should monitor polyps more frequently. 

As soon as the symptoms persist, the case is referred to someone who specializes in digestive diseases, usually a gastroenterologist. Cancer can be caused by colon polyps, so it is vital to get an appointment and have them checked as soon as possible.

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